Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pure bloggers-A social network+Blog directory for bloggers

Screenshot of login page
   is a new blog directory but also a social networking site where you can submit your blog and it will help you get followers and more and more web traffic to your blogs.

             It's good to have more links in your blog and its good to see more links to your blog or website.This increases search engine ranking and it automatically increases the number of visitors.
Description: Social Networking Source: own wor...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
         You might have seen many blog directories who takes in your blog link and diverts their search traffic to your website or blog according to the search keyword.But what make different from other blog directories is it is not only a blog directory but also a social networking site for bloggers.Once you join the site you can start adding your blogs to your profile and once you submit the blog url and the feed url, the site will update your every new post for other members in the
        This might increase your traffic and also the number of followers you have.So what are you waiting for go submit your blog today itself and get some new blogger friends.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spending money on your ads to increase web traffic

A stack of Money/Picture of money (The followi...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
      You might have seen some websites which will help you create advertisements of your websites for a certain amount.And some folks who claims to help you might have recommended that to increase your web traffic.But let me tell you the truth behind this method.

       Yes it might increase your traffic and popularity in the web.But at the same time YOU ARE SPENDING MONEY for those ads.What if your increased traffic wont make the desired results in your ad revenue?.Well, my answer is don't spend money on your ads unless you have a steady income.

International Money Pile in Cash and Coins
 (Photo credit:

      And by 'income' i didn't mean the money which shows up in your publisher account report card of a specific website.What i mean is money should reach your hands.No matter even if it is just $50 that cash should be on your hand or your bank account,not in the website's 'unpaid list'.You don't want to be like a company who spend hell lot of money on advertising and couldn't sell a single unit of their product,do you?.

     Be wise and use other methods to increase your web traffic and don't go for paid advertising for your blog or website if you are a beginner.If you are spending money,it should be like an investment in an insurance policy.You should get it back.Otherwise don't do that.It will make a big hole in your pocket.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Yes advertising-Honest Review

       I have been putting trying and testing ad units of 'Yes-Advertising' in one of my movie review blogs.And i finally found Yes advertising a waste of time and space for me.I'm sure it will be for most of the bloggers.I will explain you why.

evolution of metrics in paid advertising
evolution of metrics in paid advertising (Photo credit: Search Engine People Blog)

        Yes advertising don't have any CPM ads and PPC (Pay per click) or CPC(Cost per Click) ads.Their ads are CPA(Cost per Action) ads.Meaning, 'Yes-Advertising'  wont pay you if your visitor clicks on an ad and it wont pay you if a same ad shows up 1000 times.It will only pay you if the clicker completes a certain action an advertiser demands.For example if the user click on one of their advertiser's ads it will open a new window and the user have to submit some information(e-mail id,cellphone number) or may be fill up a form.Then only you will get paid.

    And i found their ads too local.Most of their ads are only focused on 2 to 3 countries.There are very less ads which is suitable for the whole countries in the world.So there are very less chance that someone actually click on the ad units.So think about the action they have to complete.!!
      Yes-Advertising literally made 0$ for me.I would like to know if it worked for anybody.And i won't recommend that monetizing program for anybody.You will be wasting your time,trust me.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

4 Ways to earn daily 5$ from Google adsense

    Many of you might have started using google adsense but will be wondering why your earnings is still zero..!!
But i'm going to tell you some better tricks to earn some money from google adsense,for real..

1.Ad Placement

Ad placement is a very important thing in internet advertising.You have to choose the right area to place ads so that your readers will click on them.Now as a beginner all you can do is trial and error method.Try different styles and see which one works for you.But i found these two ad placement styles very useful.I am uploading them here for you.

Style 1.

Style 2.

You can choose any one of these according to the template lay out you chose for your blog or website.The darkest area represents the area where the CTR is high and the white color represents where you should not place ads.

2.High paying keywords

Choose to include high paying keywords in your posts.So that even if you get less number of clicks a day,you can make more out of it.But don't repeat the keyword so many times.This might irritate the reader.

3.Ad types

Don't place only usual image/text ad units.Insert link units and search box too.This will increase your income.

4.Quality content

Keep producing quality content.Google selects quality content to show in their search results.And you site/blog will be easily visible to the users those who use Google search to find answers for their questions and doubts.This will increase the traffic to your site and ultimately your income too.

Below books are some of the best books written about money making process from Google adsense.Some of the points we shared in this blog are actually from some of those books.And we highly recommend them.You can easily make thousands of dollars per month from Google adsense,if you follow the steps described in these books.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

5 Important tips for beginners in blogging

Keep it simple
The first and the most important advice i have to give beginners is keep your blog simple.Don't overdo it.Don't add lots of fancy widgets which is not useful.Don't use too many colors or too many font styles.It will make your reader hate your blog.They will never come back.So keep it simple.

Importance of links and connections
It is very important to be social in online if you have a website or blog.This means keep visiting other blogs,comment there if you like it.Discuss about some topic(which you like) in online forums or comment boxes.Let the world feel your presence.(But Remember, Give respect,Take respect-Dont be a bully).And don't forget to leave your blog url there.
       Post links of other websites like Wikipedia or Google or any other high ranking website or blogs in your site as a blog roll or link list or include them in your posts.This will increase your page ranking and the traffic to your page.But remember don't post links of the websites which has copyright content,like adsense' privacy policy won't allow you to do  this.They will ban you.And don't expect people to follow you if you don't follow them.

Not too many ads
Don't put too many different ads if you are a beginner.Try Google adsense for some months then you can get into other ad networks or monetizing programs according to your traffic and type of readers.

Interact with your readers
Interact with your loyal readers.Reply to their comments,thank them.Ask their opinions about something.This will make them feel to come back.Put a poll on your blog.Whatever you do,make sure no comments are left behind unanswered.

Don't change the topics too often
Don't change the topics of your posts too often.For example don't post the details of the latest Ferrari car model in next post if you talked about the rare snakes of amazon in previous post.People may not like this.You will lose the niche readers.

Hope my tips will make your blogging life better :)

Some of the most helpful books for beginners in blogging are given below,highly recommended by 'Ad-it'.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What you should not do with google adsense ?

   In this post i will talk about what you should not do with Google adsense or what to do for not getting banned by Google adsense.

 OK, so if you think that everyone who applies for a Google adsense account,that is not the case.Google won't approve everyone.And if you got an approval from Google adsense team,you are a lucky one.

Whatever monetizing program you joins once you got approval from the authorized people,they will be closely monitoring your site every day.

This is not like a software installation, so when you join one of these programs you should read their rules and policies.Clicking on 'i agree' without checking it won't work here.

Google adsense stops you from cheating your readers or cheating their advertisers by using click fraud and stuff like that.

What is click fraud?

This is one of the biggest problems many might face.

There are many different ideas and techniques to increase your adsense income.But clicking on your own ads is NOT one of them.Google adsense team takes this as a big crime and your adsense account will get banned FOREVER..!!!

Click Frauds includes you offering money to click on your adsense ads or you forcing a friend to click on your adsense ads.And an exchange deal for clicks that means i will click on your blog's adsense ads you click on mine is also includes in click fraud.

Any suspicious clicks from any IP might get you banned from Google.You will get a chance to appeal against Google's action and you have to explain everything in a form which they will provide you to fill up.But in most of the cases (especially bloggers) once Google banned you you are banned forever.

So keep monitoring your web traffic,your click stats and any suspiciously repeated clicks from the same IP, you should report this to Google adsense team with details.Because instead of you if they are contacting you first the result might be bad.You might get banned.

And this is the case in all advertising programs,you should not click on the ads which is showed on your site.

Don't force your readers to click

            According to google forcing your readers to click on your google adsense is also a crime.don't put 'click here' near the ads.Any kind of indications to click on your ads will get you banned from the adsense business.

Don't cheat your readers

Dont change the 'Ads by google' text to your page's background color.It will make it invisible and that is also comes under 'cheating'.Don't put titles for ad units like  'Special offers' or 'other links' or 'click here to know more'.

Yes people... its a bit hard to manage a google adsense account and wait to see those dollars increasing..

Friday, March 2, 2012

Why your January Earnings dropped?

         Many first time bloggers wont be having even a slight clue why their January earning report showed a sudden drop.Well it is very simple,as you might have noticed you had a earnings suddenly jumped up in the month of December.

 That is because at last quarter of the year contains many of the most commonly celebrated festivals around the world.For example Christmas and New Year.So people tend to purchase a lot of things and they take new decisions to take an insurance policy or to buy a car.So they use internet and if they are reaching your blog or website there is a better chance that they click on attractive ads.

 That is the reason your December earnings jumped up.So obviously people might have got what all they wanted on the month of December it self.So they will be clicking  less ads on January.Less than normal actually.
 For example suppose your usual monthly average CTR is 25% and your December CTR is 45% so you might end up in January with a CTR of 10-15% .You may not feel that sudden drop if it is from 25% to 15%.But when it happens from 45% to 15%,it hurts..But my advice is just not to worry.It was meant to be happen.It happens every year with every ad publisher.But it will eventually pick up.Keep producing relevant and quality content and hope for the best.And never ever give up.

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