Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How to start with Contextweb ads-The best alternative for Google adsense

ContextWeb.com Logo
     So far this is the best alternative i found for Google adsense..CONTEXTWEB.COM is a really really good alternative i found after trying a lots and lots of advertising networks.And at while using contextweb ads you can use CPM.biz ads too.That's an awesome combination for money flow.

Just like every other CPM ad networks  Contextweb also depends on web traffic.I've written a post earlier on how to increase your web traffic.There are mainly two differences from other ad networks and contextweb.

1.Ask price-You can decide how much eCPM you need.You can set your AskPrice value for a particular ad slot.But the problem here is they will not fill all of your page views or impressions with their ads.For example if you got 1000 page views a day they might show ads in only 750 of them.Now you cant predict this what i told i just a random number.But hey,no other CPM ad network has this option of selecting your own eCPM.

And here payment is fully guaranteed.You might be thinking what will they show when they don'y show their ads.That's why you have to provide a back up tag.

2.Back up tags-You can provide the ad codes of your other ad networks(for ex. bidvertiser ads) as back up tags so that when context web is not able to show their ads, your back up ad network will show their ads.By doing this you will not loose any chance to earn the money and their won't be any public service ads in your site.

Even if you are not using any other ad networks it is not a problem it will show public service ads if you don't provide the back up tags.

It Really Works..!!!

Other Facts
    Context web has really good ad reporting system which shows the reports in several styles including bar graph,line graph and usual table system.

You will have options to block specific type of ads if you don't need it.If they cant meet your ask price they fill the ads with the back up ad tags so if you are starting try to put smaller values from 0.01$ to 0.75$..And see how it works then you can carry with bigger values..

And don't expect these ads to show up from the moment you copy paste the code in your site/blog.It will take minimum 3-4 days to start showing ads.

Then what are you waiting for?

<==Sign up for Context Web ad publishing program and start earning today.==>
<==Get a 10% extra bonus on your first month by clicking here to sign up.==>

Sunday, February 26, 2012

How to use Amazon.com Affiliated Program in your blog

Earn money through Amazon.com
 Now if you don't want to use Google adsense or if you want to try other money making programs, you have plenty of options.One of them is Amazon.com affiliated program..

Now this works at it's best if it your blog is a product reviewing blog or website.But you can use this in other type of blogs too.To start working on this first you have to register in Amazon affiliate program.Once you Register and sign in you have different options to choose.

Before explaining that,i would like to say unless google adsense or any other ad publishing programs, Amazon.com doesn't pay you for showing their advertisements in your site or blog or people clicking on it.They will pay you a certain amount of money if the user who reach their site will buy anything from them.

 Once you are logged in you while you fill up their forms you have to select one option from two compensation options amazon offer for associates.
  • Classic fee structure : This plan is fixed rate plan.You earn 4% of advertising fee on items offered by Amazon or by third parties except Personal computers which is 25$ and Amazon Video On Demand as well as Amazon MP3 products which is $1.50 per item.
  • Performance fee structure : This plan allows you to increase your revenue and you can earn from 4% to 15% of the product value but this depends on the number of items shipped to the customers who came through your blog.
  Now once you have selected the fee structure you have to select the payment method.Now when all these things are over you have plenty of options to choose how to place amazon ads in your blogs.Some of the options are given below.
  • Widgets
         This is the first and most user friendly ad placement you should try.Amazon.com provides 14 different kind of widgets which you can place anywhere in your blog or website.Once you select any of those you can easily customize it's look to suit for your web page.

I personally suggest you two widgets which always worked and still works for me,

One is Deals widget,


And next one is Recommended Product links


These are the best widgets i found which can make some money fast.Others might have different opinions.Then again some things works for someone and it may not work for the other guy.

  • Product Links
     This is the next type of link which you can place in your site.It will look something like this

  • Banner Links
Banner links are the most common and less money creating(for me) thing i found.But hey you never knows what will work for you.Banner links are available in all usual sizes,just like this...

And you get all detailed reports about the traffic.So what are you waiting for go register today and start earning through your blog...All the Best...!!!

All the copyrights of amazon logos and things i used in this post are registered in the name of Amazon.com and i don't have any rights of those logos.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Top 5 Adsense terms every Adsense publisher & advertiser should remember.

In this post i'm gonna tell you about Top 5 Adsense terms every blogger or adsense account owner should know.Please read on...

CPC or cost per click is one of the most common term you might see in adsense.It is the amount you earn when a user clicks on the ad showed on your site.That amount is decided by the advertiser,not you.

An impression is counted when an ad is shown on your page,in short no. of page views effects impressions.When someone opens up the page were you placed the ad and ad shows up then the impression is counted.

CTR or Click Through Rate = ( no.of clicks /  no. of impressions or views) X 100

RPM or Revenue Per thousand Impressions means the revenue you get for every 1000 impressions you receive.
RPM = (Estimated earnings / No. of page views) X 1000

CPA means Cost Per Action.Means if user clicks on a CPA ad you will not get paid.The advertiser insists the user should do some actions on the page which opens up after the clicking, then only you-who showed the ad on your page-will get the money.Some times it might be some form fill up,sometimes submitting an e-mail id or phone number.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

5 Simple ways to increase your blog traffic

        Traffic..That word reminds you a crowded place.And you might hate it when it comes to your daily life.But that is the word you should love when you own a website or a blog.And to make money from your blog or website,you definitely need traffic.

How to increase your blog traffic is a big question for many people.Web Traffic is one of the key elements to increase your earnings from your blog/website. Meaning,if there is no visitors then there is no income.

So by just creating a blog,nobody is going to visit your blog daily.You have to work really  hard for it.There are several ways to increase your blog traffic.I'm going to explain some of them in this post.

 Submit your blog/Website to various link directories

        This is the most easiest method you can do to increase your blog.Go to various blog directories and submit your blog there so that whoever check the directory will see your blog address and come visit your page.

Don't forget to give a proper description of your website/blog there so the user can easily find what they want.Some of the web directory names given below.





As part of the registration they might tell you to add their logo/button to your sidebar.Do as they say.It's good for you,Trust me..

Put it in your Signature
     Add your blog\Website address to your e-mail signature.It will travel all around the world across the globe if you send lots of forward mails.It's a good marketing for your blog/website.

Content Relevancy
     Your blog should be content relevant means it should be something people always look for and want to find it at the first place.Don't put your blog's name something and blog about something else.don't put your blog's name 'Beautiful bugs' and blog about Volkswagen Beetles.

Don't mislead your readers/visitors.

Social Networks
     Most of the social networks will have a place to fill up your website address in your profile,fill it up there and (i'm not finished..) Share your each posts to your blog through that social networking platform.

If you are in facebook or twitter, try NetworkedBlogs..Networked blogs is the best way to connect your blog to these two social networks.

Word of mouth and getting tagged in other blogs/websites

       No one else is going to give publicity to your blog(at least by themselves),so what you have to do is when you call a friend of friend next time or when you see your long lost classmate,talk about your blog/site to them.And once they like it they will do the marketing themselves.And if your friend have a blog you can request him/her to add your blog address to their blog roll.

        There are several other ways also to increase traffic like paying for visit and all but if you want to earn through advertisements from your blog,i won't recommend you to do that because most of the affiliated programs will disqualify you for this.

And remember after doing all these steps don't expect a sudden jump in a traffic next day.The increase happens gradually..You have to wait for that.

Hope my tips will help you to make a better blog.And don't forget to keep updating your unique content.

Monday, February 13, 2012

6 Google Adsense ad formats


      As i told in in my earlier post i will talk about adsense terms like CTR,CPM and others but i will do that while telling you more about different type of ads in Google AdSense.

Mainly there are 6 kinds of ads google adsense provides and each of them have it's own way of generating money for you.

  1. Text ads : These are the most common ads Publishers use usually because it works well with a text rich blog.These are basically text based ads means ads in the form of text.adsense gives you freedom to customize text colors and font type.This kind of ads are CPC ads or Cost Per Click ads.When a visitor clicks on that ad you gets a certain amount of money.This ads has a highest CTR(Click Through Rate) because many times people misunderstands these ads for the text in your blog.
  2. Image Ads : Image ads are graphic ads offered in several ad formats.In my Google AdSense tips for Beginners post i told you to opt for 'Image and Text' ads.So when you choose for both image and text ads increases the competition between ads to appear on your blog.And this might eventually end up by increasing a little bit of your usual revenue.Image ads alo works just like text ads in the case of earning money.It generates money when your visitor clicks on it.
  3. Video ads/Rich media ads : I haven't seen much people using this type of ad.May be because it doesn't suit to all kind of blogs.This generates money when a visitor plays the video and then again he clicks on it when it is playing.I wont suggest this ad to you because if your blog is not video based,this may not work for you.
  4. Link Units : Link units displays a bunch of links which is suitable for your blog page and when the user clicks on any of those, Google shows you a page of related ads.And when he clicks on them you get the money.Note that you are not earning anything until unless the visitor clicks on the ads on the page which opens up after they clicks on the link unit.
  5. Mobile ads : Mobile ads are displayed when a visitor visits your blog's mobile version.(you will find your mobile version in template section if you are using blogger).This also works as CPC ads.
  6. Feed ads : Last but not the least,feed ads.they are the ads which you can place in your feeds.And when the customer clicks on the ads you get the money.It's simple.To enable this sign in your adsense account and select adsense for feeds.
And CPM stands for 'cost per 1000 impressions'.

CPM ads will make you good money if you have really good blog traffic.If one ad's CPM is $0.20 that means when it will complete showing the same ad 1000 times in your blog/site you earn $0.20 without a click.So visitors traffic plays a main important role in this.

May be next time we will talk about some simple and easy ways to increase the number of visitors to your blogs.

Friday, February 10, 2012

7 Must know Google AdSense tips for Beginners

In this post i will give some Google adsense basic tips for beginners.So as i told in my previous post once you got approved by Google's adsense team you can start placing the ads.Main tips while adding first ads are
  • Always select "text/Image ads" option when you create an ad unit.This might increase your revenue.
  • Always keep minimum one ad in the first half of your site/blog.Meaning your page visitor should see the ad without scrolling till the end of the page.
  • NEVER EVER CLICK ON YOUR OWN ADS.Once Google disable your account,you will never be able to get back to adsense program.
  • Don't keep too many ads on the same page.Google gives you a limit for this 3 ad units,3 link units and 2 search boxes in one page.We suggest you not to use the maximum limit,because too many ads will make your web page/blog look cluttered.
  • Try to match your ad units color theme with your web page's color theme.BUT DON'T CONFUSE THE VISITOR by placing the ad units between some links.
  • Don't use 'CLICK HERE' Buttons or a text near google ad units.
  • Don't try to edit ad unit's HTML scripts.
In next post i will talk about what is CPM,CTR,CPC,etc etc...

NOTE: For some countries like India and China Google demands the website/blog has to be 6 months old.But in some cases if you have enough content they approves your site.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Different Monetize programs which will help you earn some money.

There are many different kind of affiliated programs in which you can make money.Some of them are 
  In these,Google Adsense is the most easiest to start for a blogspot blogger.Google even supports some other blog service providers like wordpress.com.Now those who made blogs in blogspot.com,go to your Earnings tab and sign up for Google adsense.

It will take upto 48 hours for Google to review your application and get back to you.Wait till they approves you.
      Once you got the approval,you can start placing the ads.There are different ad formats approved by adsense.

Go to Lay out tab > click on ad gadget > select the adsense > then choose which ad format you want to use according to your placing of the ads.More about the ad types and tips about placings on the next post..

  Or else you can sell backlinks in your blog or websites.There are so many backlinks selling programs around the internet.click here to do that.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Introduction to Money making through Blogs

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...


    I've been writing some blogs and experimenting various affiliation methods and advertising networks all these days.And i learned so many things from the mistakes which i did.So i thought i should help others and remind them to not make those mistakes and teach them how to start to earn some money through your blog.

       To start earn from your blog first you need to own a blog.There are various web services today helps you to start your own blog. Blogger.com and Wordpress.com are two of the most popular free blog service providers.You can start with any of those.

And choose the right content.Choose some topic in which you are expert.And start blogging.Content of the blog is the key to make money through blogging.

In next post we will talk about the easiest money making ad program of blogging-Google adsense.

               Other useful Posts 


Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to earn money through blogging

       I'm Blueboy and this is my new blog to help you blogging.I'm going to tell some of the best ways to earn money through blogging..And i will give you some tips about how to manage a blog with some steady and good traffic.
Check my other articles.
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