Monday, October 29, 2012

All new Infolinks and new revenue generating ideas

    Infolinks is one of the the best in-text advertising solution for blogs and websites currently available in the online advertising market.I have experience more positive results with infolinks than any other in-text advertising programs.Now,recently infolinks completely redesigned their website and introduced some new revenue sections or platforms which will help you to generate more revenue from your website/blog.Let's have a look into them.


    Inframe ads are the ads which comes in the form of skyscrapper banners on both the sides of the web page.It uses the expanding width of widescreen monitors - the Infolinks's new In³ platform auto-detects when the browser window is wider than your web site and inserts banner ads that remain stationary as users scroll down your pages. It displays ads outside of your webpage frame so that your reader can read the page content without any problem.


       You can place InTag ads anywhere in your site.You can either select the location to display the ad manually or just select the option to choose the position automatically. Infolinks' algorithm analyses your page content and places the most valuable keywords as tags which is also relevant to your content.You can easily customize in-tag ads by just logging in to your account page in the infolinks website,so that it will match your web page's lay out.


      InSearch ads will be shown to the visitors who reaches your webpage through a search engine.It will be visible at the bottom of the page for some seconds and then it minimizes into a quiet headline. InSearch only appears when the visitor is reached your website after clicking on a search result. InSearch ads reduces the bounce rate of your webpage and thus increases the SEO value of your blog/website.


      InText ads are the most important and most revenue generating ad style of infolinks.It scans your content and marks the most valuable and relevant keywords in your article.You can completely customize the look of it and your readers will not feel much distracted.At the same time it will generate some good revenue for you.And the best part is you can use infolinks and Google Adsense together at the same website and it will increase your revenue more than 60%.Google Adsense and infolinks ads are one of the best combination.

    So what are you waiting for,do you have a text based website or blog or forum where people often visits in search of something?.Then this is the best thing for you.It's absolutely free to join and you can withdraw money through Paypal or eCheck or wire transfer.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Comment spammers will have low page rank!!!

   Before telling you about the ways to block spam comments,let me tell you about the negative impacts on the page ranks of this comment spammers.
  • According to new google search algorithm,if you are a spammer who leaves comments like "That's a very wonderful post.Now visit my page Link".Then Google is going to flag you and your webpage.And your Page rank will be reduced soon.
  • I agree it feels 'cool' to be anonymous in the web world but it's not that cool to post your spam link on every possible posts of every blogs in the internet.So from today on,you will get to comment on this blog only if you have a google ID.This decision was hard for us to take.But after getting more than 100 anonymous spam comments a day,what option do we have?.
  • Each and every comment posted by you will go through moderation and will not be published if found spamming and you might face permanent ban.

     Now let's see how many types of comment spams are there and how to block them.Not all spam comments includes spam links.Sometimes spam bots are just hunting for a vulnerable blog and once it's found the attack starts.Types of comment spam:
  1. Sometimes there are comments which is not in English and most probably it will be an unknown language with strange links attached to it.Let me get this straight,if they know how to read your english language (or any language) posts,they should know how to type and comment in the same language.So make sure you accept comments only in the language of your blog or website.If it's not,mark it as a spam.
  2. Then there are complimentary spam comments like,"great design" or "Great article" or "i loved this very much.I will bookmark this and will come to read it later.". These comments are more dangerous and makes your webpage looks less important or as a junk yard.If it's from 'anonymous' users,mark it as spam.
  3. Comments which are filled with links.Mostly these links will be leading to some spam sites.Ignore them and mark it as spam or delete them.
How to stop these spammers from attacking your web property.

New word captcha is a pain in the blog.

Comments can be a really good source of information and an efficient way of engaging a site's users in discussions. This valuable content should not be replaced by gibberish nonsense keywords and links. For this reason there are many ways of securing your application and disincentivizing spammers.
  • Disallow anonymous posting.
  • Use CAPTCHAs and other methods to prevent automated comment spamming.(Be really carefull while doing this.Because the new captcha system is a big headache and your readers may not like to waste their time on the guess the word games.We really won't recommend this unless you are really fed up of spammers.)
  • Turn on comment moderation.
  • Use the "nofollow" attribute for links in the comment field.
  • Disallow hyperlinks in comments.
  • Block comment pages using robots.txt or meta tags.
That's all for now folks.We really hope this post will be a solution for all your 'spam comment worries'.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Why is NeoBux still the best PTC ever?


     Now if you are someone who has been looking for ways to make money online,you might have heard about NeoBux. If not,you were wasting your time all these days. NeoBux is one of the most popular PTC program in the history of internet.I just recently started using Neobux,and its really awesome.Now lets see what makes NeoBux different than any other PTC websites or programs...

  • First reason i'm recommending Neobux for you is it actually pays.!.It is not like other fake programs or scams like or They never pays you.But Neobux does.
  • In NeoBux you will get paid through your papal or alertpay account(I strongly recommend paypal here).
  • Once you clicked on an ad and if you are browsing on another tab,the timer stops where it reached.Again when you come back to the tab it starts from the place where it paused.In programs like clixsense,timer always restarts.And you can browse in a different browser after clicking on an ad or you can watch a video in your computer.Only thing is you should not minimize the browser window where you opened neobux ad.
  • You actually don't have to add any direct referrals in neobux. There is something called 'Rented Referrals' which means you can rent referrals for a very cheap price.
  • Your payout is through paypal or alertpay and both of them are reputed online cash transaction websites.

How to earn $50-$100 from neobux daily?

English: Many dollar banknotes.
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
         The strategy i'm going to explain to you actually works.And it is the best strategy to make money from neobux. Main mistake people does in Neobux is once the minimum payout is reached they withdraw their money as fast as possible,just to see that the program is legit.It might be okay with other online money making programs.But it wont do any good in Neobux. Let's see what you should do step by step.

  1. First of all you should click on all advertisements daily.You will see the money increasing in your account cent by cent.For that install AdAlert plugin in your browser.Which is available at the bottom of the main page.It will alert you every time a new ad is available to click.
  2. Once you reach $1(You really don't have to wait for money to increase just by clicking ads.You can start to do mini jobs.Some of them pays really good.), go to the referrals and buy the $1 pack which will have 5 rented referrals.
  3. Once you rent referrals you should continue clicking on ads and you should never forget to click on orange color ad blocks.If you don't click the orange color ad blocks you won't get any money from your referrals.
  4. After 2 or 3 weeks go to rented referrals page and enable autopay. This will pay your rented referrals daily to keep their time extended for one more day. By doing this,instead of renewing them at the end of time period, you can save some money too.
  5. Minimum amount you need to rent a referral pack is $0.60.You will get 3 referrals through this.After the first pack keep adding this 60 cent packs whenever your balance exceeds $1.I'm saying $1 because we need a minimum amount in your account as a back up.
  6. At the same time try for direct referrals too.Put the banners in your blog or post the referral link in your facebook page on e-mail it to your close friends.The more the merrier.
  7. Once you reach 100 referrals you just have to click on orange ads a day and the money will starts to flow automatically.Then when your one day earnings reaches $50 you can start withdrawing money.Your first minimum payout will be $2.After that this will be increased by one dollar for every payout till it reaches the fixed minimum payout of $10.
Enjoy making some real money.

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