Sunday, September 23, 2012

When Tikona network cheats it's customers...

Tikona Digital Networks
Tikona Digital Networks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
     If you are living in India,you might have heard of  Tikona Digital Networks who is an Internet Service Provider.They are not so popular like Airtel or Reliance.But comparatively,you will be rarely unhappy with their network.Now we all knows that the business world is very big bad world where even if customer thinks he is getting the benefits,actually the company is the one who is looting the customer.This post is about one of those hidden cheat did by Tikona Digital Networks.

     I have a Tikona connection now and i took it only because they didn't have the Fare Usage Policy-FUP- (or that's what i thought) which means your speed will decrease after a certain amount of download.In the below screenshot from their website, it clearly shows that my plan ADULM1024 don't have any speed downgrade means i should get a constant 1 Mbps even if i download the whole internet(what a dream?!).

According to 23-09-2012. Link Here (click on the picture to see it in large size)

       But what actually happened is my speed decreased to around 400Kbps.And then i tried to contact customer care.The guy in the customer care...Wait.. i forgot to tell you the specialty of the Tikona customer care.Unlike Airtel or any other Customer Cares,the people who attend phone calls are just telephone operators.You can't blame them.They don't even have the power to change your e-mail ID or address even if you confirm your identity.For that you have to send an SMS which will cost you a minimum of Rs.3.(And it never works).So again you have to send the e-mail.It's frustrating when you wait for 30 minutes on hold to talk to the customer care guy and finally he tells you that he can't do anything on that and you have to send an SMS!!.

      Back to the topic,i contacted Customer care regarding the speed issue.I even argued it's in your website that i will have no speed decreasing or download limits.Then the guy tells me to scroll down the page and click on Terms& Conditions(tadaen....!).I clicked and he told me to check the 12th point.check the below screenshot.(click on the picture to see it in large size)

Captured on 23-09-2012.Link Here
   It was written that i have a 30GB monthly download limit.WTF??!!!. I was shocked to see how the network cheated me.And according to 13th point my speed might go down till 800Kbps(1:20 ratio).But i'm getting only 400Kbps.So now i'm thinking to put a case on them in consumer court for cheating customers by writing two different things in two different pages about the same plan.And i thought i will make a blog post out of it so that others don't get cheated like i did.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Earn money from online surveys!!

    Nowadays there are lots of ways to make money other than placing advertisements in your webpage.When you place an advertisement you have to wait for the traffic or if it is a PPC, you have to wait for people to click on it.Now let's see how to make some money online without creating a blog or without the help of others.

How to earn money without a blog?
Personal Finance
Sufficient for a week? (Photo credit: 401(K) 2012)

     To make money online without creating blog,there are lot of other ways too.I have mentioned some of them like MyBrowserCash and Topline in my earlier posts.Those two methods were mainly related to your browsing habits.But what if you are somebody who doesn't sit all the day in front of a computer browsing internet?.What if you can spend only half an hour a day for money making online? I have a solution for that too.That is through online surveys.Let me tell you about one of the popular online survey site from which you can easily earn a minimum of 100$ a week.Maximum is up to you.

Get Cash For Simple Online Surveys

      Have you ever thought someone will pay you for just expressing your opinions?.No?.Then online surveys does just that.They will pay you a substantial amount of money in your own country's currency.So let me tell you about one of those websites who pays you and values your opinion.That is 'GetCashForSurveys'.
      It is one of the popular online survey site in the internet.You can earn more than 3000$ per month if you are ready to take all of their surveys.Payments will be paid through Paypal or through wire transfer(depending on your country).You can cash out in US dollars or your own country's currency format.No matter from which part of the world you are,or which language do you speak you can join and take their surveys.

     Once you Join they will start sending you 5-10 surveys a day.If you finish that you can earn some big bucks on first day itself.Apart from the surveys you can even review electronic products like Tablet computer,HD TV,High tech Blender and lots of other household products, before it reaches the market and you will get to keep them even after you submit your survey.Then what are you waiting for Visit and Join now itself.

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