Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to put your blog/Website link on other's posts without spamming?

Spam Stinks!!!

            Nobody likes spams or spammers.First,when you comment on my blog if you are putting a link purposefully for me to visit,i will put that comment in spam folder and it will never see the lights again.So the biggest question you will have is how to increase web traffic to your site without being a spammer??..Well i have the answer.If you are telling me "can you please visit my blog and tell what is the problem with it's ads?or why nobody is clicking on them?.".Then i will surely visit and give you the solution.But if your comment is like "hey do you wanna make more money go to www.^%$&%$.com",then it's a SPAM.And it will never see the lights again.
        You might be wondering then how am i suppose to post my link on other's websites.There are two ways.

Anonymous comments you make on this blog will be directly put into spam folder 

  1.  There is an option in most of the blogs where you can post a comment without signing in and only by providing your name and website URL.Post your Blog/Website name there.Almost all the site/Blog owners check the origin of the person who just commented on the blog.So they will visit your site for sure.
  2. The second way is to post your link in your comment itself without irritating the blog/site/page owner and do it politely.For example "i read your new post,it's interesting but i disagree with the points in last paragraph.When you have time,please visit my page www.&%$&^.com and let me know your opinion about it.Thank you".I'm 100% sure the guy will visit your page.
    Another problem i found is people posting links like crazy as Anonymous.I would like to tell you nobody gives a f**k about your links if you don't say who you are and automatically directs that comment to spam folder..So next time when you comment on my blog or any blog, put your name and please be a gentleman by following above rules

Saturday, May 19, 2012

New name and New topics !!!

      This post is to notify our followers and new visitors that there has been some changes in our policies towards our blog.We have decided to put a new name for our blog.It won't be the big bulky name 'Earn money from your blog' anymore.It is 'Ad-it'.And you might have noticed the change on the title of the blog.But you don't have to worry about anything.Our url will be the same old one( Change is only in the display title in the Blog Header.
   Another change we are going to make in this blog is we will post some articles which may not be ad related but web related.Apart from main page,you will find these articles on our new tab 'Off ToPiC' on the right side of the tab bar on top.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Vimeo Banned in India by Reliance Entertainment Ltd..???!!!!!

    For those who don't know, is a popular video sharing site among creative professionals.And Reliance Entertainment Ltd is an Indian company who produces and distributes movies in many Indian languages.Currently they have a tie-up with 'DreamWorks' too.
          From yesterday night is not available in India,and when you type the address of Vimeo or any other popular torrent sites, a message comes up.
It reads, 

'Access to this site has been blocked as per Court Orders'.

      Many news reports says Reliance got a court order to block all these websites to stop piracy of their Hindi movie 'Dangerous Ishq'( C-grade movie comparing to usual Bollywood standards).If this is actually done by Reliance,then it is getting them plenty of negative publicity.

     Now,those who know,surely knows that they never promotes piracy unlike torrent sites.And people share their 'OWN' works there.But some uneducated illiterate a$$h*les in Reliance Entertainment was born without brain.So they don't have the common sense to think about these aspects.They might have got a court order for all the ISPs to ban the sites which they don't like.Funny part is not all the ISPs are following these 'court orders' from Mr.Ambani.(: P).And people are searching internet like crazy that how to access,how to access banned sites,etc.And they surely are finding several other ways to access these sites.Remember if there is a lock in the world,then there must be a key!!!

Tail Lamp: The Famous hacker group 'Anonymous' hacked Supreme Court and Congress Party's websites to teach them a lesson.And Reliance' much hyped movie 'Dangerous Ishq' universally panned by critic.One review says "Reliance reached new level of crap".And even if someone upload that movie in any torrent site,i don't really think anybody is going to waste their bandwidth and time on that crap..!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Does pop-up ads increase your ad revenue?

      So many people believes pop-up ads create more revenue share comparing to other type of ad units.But it's one of the biggest online advertising myth and the truth is entirely different.

         What those ads actually does is makes the visitor angry and it annoys them,stops them from reading your content and most of the readers/visitors leaves your page/site without even reading your post and they never comes back.So your greediness to earn some more cents caused you losing a reader and an impression maker for your other normal ad units displayed in the site.

         Less ads is always good for a website or a blog.But if you are someone who wants to earn money from the blog then you need to focus on ads too.But take my advice,don't put pop-up ads or curser ads(which moves around with mouse arrow) in your page/blog/website.Put all the ads you need in your sidebars and footer.Or if it is a CPC ad,you can blend it in-between posts so that it won't disturb the readers eye.You really don't have to put CPM ads inside the posts/articles because anyway sidebars and footer of your page will load with the post.

     And there is no guarantee that your pop-up ad will be seen by a visitor because pop-up blockers are one of the most downloaded addons used in web browsers nowadays.So why to waste your time brain on pop-up ads??!!..

       Remember an angry and annoyed reader is more dangerous for your page than someone who never visited your page.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

New ad sizes in and the brand new newsletter pulsepoint) released two new ad sizes and started a brand new newsletter system which they says will help you publishers to earn more.

Sample ad unit 300X600

Sample ad unit 700X500 is given below all the posts in the current page.Have a look at that.

Pulse point claims two new ad sizes will increase the CTR and it will help the advertisers and publishers to earn more.
        The newsletter is a new mail series which they started.And it's full of ideas,tips and knowledge about the ad publishing.I'm sure it is gonna help all the publishers including me to increase the value.
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