Sunday, September 29, 2013

How to stop others from stealing your content? How to report them?

Stealing is not so 'charmi'ng and it is not 'cool'!!

       If you are a blogger and if you have a post which attracts a lot of traffic,then you should be aware of blog thieves who might steal your blog posts or website content word-by-word.That too without giving you any credit.So i'm going to tell you how to deal with it.Some may suggest to blocking the 'right-click' option in the blog page.But i can't agree with this.
       I'm writing it from my personal experience.I have written a post about how to install whatsapp in Nokia Asha 200.And my blog was getting pretty good traffic too.But all of a sudden web traffic started to drop.After doing a little bit investigation,i found out that my blog post was stolen by a user who also happens to be the first person to post a comment and ask a doubt (Her comment is still there).My post was copied word-by-word.I don't know how many people knows that if there is an exact word-by-word copy of an article some where else,Google search engine consider your original post and the stolen material as less important.Gradually your post will stop to show up in Google searches.
       After doing some googling i found out that we can report the stealing to and Google.And i did it.Hopefully they will take the action very soon.Now let me teach you how to report to or about your stolen blog post.

         Reporting alleged copyright infringement is very easy.But before that you have to be sure that your content or post was posted first.Not the other way.If you have stolen someone else' blog post and report it as if you are the original author,then your blogger account might get banned or Google will take legal actions against you. 
      All you have to do is fill up this form -- GOOGLE DMCA : Blogger
  1. Type in your first and last name in the first box.
  2. Type your blog name as 'company name in the second box if you want(not mandatory).
  3. Enter the full name of you in the next box(if you own the blog).
  4. Enter your gmail id in next box.
  5. Select your country.
  6. Paste the URL of your original post in the next box.
  7. Fill up the second box by describing what has been stolen and who did it.If it is word-by-word you can write about that.
  8. Copy the URL of the duplicate post from the thief's blog and paste it to the next box.
  9. Check next two boxes to agree with their terms.
  10. Enter the present date in the next box.
  11. Type in your full name as signature.
  12. Click SUBMIT.
Done!.You have reported about the copyright infringement to Google. Within some minutes you will receive an acknowledgement mail from Google.And wait for their next step.Don't worry be happy.
If you liked above article please start following the blog or subscribe to our newsletter.Thank you for the visit.

Update :
I got a mail from google support team saying the copied content has been removed.Thank you Google.And here is a screenshot of the mail.(Click on the below picture to make it large)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Linkbucks problem solved in India

          Just like adfly, Linkbucks is also blocked by many Internet service providers in India.Sadly it effected so many bloggers.Govt might have blocked it to block a lot of porn content which is spreading through blogs.But one thing they forgot was to block those blogs and websites instead of blocking this advertising publishing websites.It's a court's decision and i'm leaving it to them.In an earlier post i explained how to unblock adfly in india and promised i will tell you how to unblock linkbucks link soon.Now let me tell you how to unblock your linkbucks advertising link if it placed in a non-adult('access for everyone' type) website.
         If you have placed it in a non-adult website,you will get a link in which there will be '' part in that code.What you have to do is very simple,wherever you see 'http:// , change it to 'https://'.That is just add an 's' to it.

       But if you try to do it in adult websites,it won't work.Instead your link will get redirected to a corrupted page.And you might get banned soon.So don't take risk and get banned your accounts.
        If you are some one who has never heard about adfly or linkbucks, this article will tell you how to make money using them.All the best.And if you liked this article,don't forget to become a follower and subscribe our newsletter by typing down your e-mail id in the "Free tips and prizes' widget on right hand side of this blog.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Royality free downloadable music track for your videos

  There are so many people searching for royalty free or copyright free music tracks to add as a background music score in their videos.But i know it is hard to find those kind of music tracks.So here i am sharing a music track i found on You can play and listen to it fully and if you liked it,you can share and use it in your own video.Below is the music track.It is Exhilarate a great music track.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hitler's reaction when Microsoft bought Nokia Mobiles(Downfall parody)

  Yes the news is true.Nokia has gone bankrupt and sold it's mobile manufacturing division to Microsoft for 5.2 billion Euros.Below is a spoof video of the famous 'angry Hitler' scene from the movie 'Downfall'.If you liked it,you can share it in your facebook,twitter or any other social network accounts.


So what is your reaction about the big news??..Let us know in the comment section.Thank you for visiting.
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