'How to get approval from Google adsense?' is one of the most searched questions in internet ever since Google adsense was launched.Google has certain policies or conditions on accepting blogs or websites for Google adsense.I'm going to explain some of the most important points from them.
#1 .Age of your blog/website
Google never says anywhere in their conditions that your website/blog has to be certain days old to get approval from the Google adsense team.But it is safe to apply for Google adsense after 3 months you create your blog or website.You should utilize this time to create unique content and and increase the web traffic to your website or blog.But Google has a policy that if you are an Asian origin your blog or website should be 6 months old.It's pure racialism by the search giant but sorry to say that you have no other options.
#2.Quality Content
Content in your website should be unique.It means you shouldn't just copy-paste content from other websites to create a fake web page.It should be clearly written in your words.Never apply for Google adsense with an empty webpage or blog.If you are a blogger you should have a minimum of 35 to 50 unique quality posts before you apply to Google adsense. That is why it is a good idea to take time and build a good blog with some loyal followers and good web traffic within the first 3-4 months.
#3.Clean design
Clean webpage design is another factor which is really important in the case of Google adsense. Even though there are so many ad programs you can use parallel with Google adsense,it's good if you remove all of them just before you apply for Google adsense. Don't clutter your webpage with flashy banner ads or too bright fluorescent colors.And Google doesn't like too many exit links from your home page either.You can use any ad programs at the time period before you apply for Google adsense(first 3 to 6 months),if you are too desperate to make money from your blog or website.And you shouldn't sell backlinks on your website or blog.
#4.Search Engine Exposure(SEE)
Even if you get approval from Google adsense,if you don't have any web traffic to your page you won't make any money.And most of the time Google reject webpages which doesn't have a minimum quality traffic.So i suggest you should really work on your search engine optimization(SEO) before you apply for Google adsense. You should submit your blog or website to many 'popular webpage directories'.And you should know 'how to increase organic web traffic to your blog or website?.'
#5.Form fill up
Last but not the least,fill up the application form of Google adsense really carefully.You should give your real address and other details including full name.If you have any problems with your name then ask for help in Google adsense help forum.They are really fast in helping people especially regarding the names.
Once you get approval from Google adsense,you should follow some rules of maintenance for your blog or website.Read them here