This blog is going to be under renovation till new year . Even though you can access all the posts and information in the blog,you will be seeing so many experimental changes in the pages.We will soon get back to you with a better designed blog.
In this article i'm going to talk about some of the programs i reviewed earlier.They later changed their identity by changing brand name or some other company took over them or they changed their rules and conditions.
1.Context web is Pulsepoint now
One of the most popular advertising and ad publishing website was took over by Pulsepoint .The Pulsepoint is a broader platform.The change was good and it didn't effected in anyway the earnings number of impressions of the quality of ads i use to get from contextweb. Only change i felt was to find the login page in pulsepoint homepage is more time taking than the way i use to direct login to contextweb.But once you find it,just bookmark t and the problem is solved.
2.Topline turned into a Scam
Topline is a website which pays you by replacing the ads in the websites you visit.Before they use to pay everyone equally and their 1000 points was equal to $1.But now they have not only changed those rates for most of the Asian countries ( 1000 points= $0.20 ),but they have almost stopped showing ads for those countries by saying 'advertisements are not available for your geographical locations'...!!!.It is completely unfair and i'm not happy with these changes made by 'jointopline'.They have suspended many accounts from Asian countries without paying the amount they earned, and it's a scam!!!
3.CPM.Biz is a scam
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) once i thought was the best alternative for google adsense tuned out to be a scam.they have too many redirects and it effects your traffic and loyal visitors and those others who comes to your page looking for the solution of their problems.It has one of the highest cpm rates i have ever came across.But unfortunately they won't pay.All the money you will see only on their website statistics.Its just virtual money.So my advice is don't join.