Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Exclusive Free E-book Give away contest for new visitors!!

    So here starts the give-away season again.This time it is an e-bbok which will show you more than 80 ways to make minimum100$ a day online..Finish the task given in the below widget and you could be the winner!!!.This time it is an exclusive give away for the new visitors who reaches here.Login below with your e-mail id or Facebook id and first 4 people to do that will get the book.a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 Alternatives for Google Adwords, where you can use your clickbank links

Image representing Clickbank as depicted in Cr...
Image via CrunchBase
    I'm sure you might have heard about not,you must be living under a rock!!!.Let me make it clear first,google adwords doesn't allow you to promote clickbank affiliate links saying that most of the sites mentioned in clickbank is blacklisted even if the websites and products are genuine.

     Google is becoming evil day by day.Many Adsense and Adwords customers are upset because in many cases the customers lost their money and time.And google adsense has the worst customer service in the world.Many people might have already got banned from google adsense.You will get a lifetime ban from Google Adwords too if you keep applying to create that 'not acceptable' ads.I tried to create some text ads for my click bank account and my two ads were disapproved because it contained copyrighted words 'Mac' and 'Apple'.(I feel sorry about the fruit vendors who tried to advertise through Google adwords with words like 'Get fresh Apples and Oranges at your nearest outlet' :P).
      Google is becoming unbelievably grumpy!!.They rejected another ad because the ad contained two words 'TV' and 'Online'..!!!.So i figured out some other advertising websites which is far far better than Google Adwords.Let me share them with you.

Google Adwords Alternatives

1.Ad Brite 
  • You can target by Keywords,countries and even gender.
  • You can see and manage all the sites which displays your ads
2.Ad Market Place
  • More than 450 million ad opportunities a day
  • Detailed and expert account management
  • Reach the people all over the world
  • Only 100$ minimum deposit.
  • Rate starts from 0.01$ per URL
  • One of the most popular PPC program
  • 800M+ monthly impressions
  • Most used advertising platform after Google
5.Pulse 360
  • Sponsored link running campaign starts from just 50$
  • Your ads will be shown on reputed high traffic sites such as MSNBC,NBCSports, ,etc.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Watch TV through SatelliteDirect™-No Monthly Fee!!!

   You might have reached this article through an online search about how to watch TV online without  paying huge monthly subscription fee.Let me tell you about something i came across recently.It's the best online TV watching experience i had.There are lots of plus points for this thing comparing to other online tv schemes.

       Let me explain about some of those.SatelliteDirect™ is a software which will help you to watch more than 3,500 TV channels worldwide right over the Internet.You can enjoy more channels than your cable and satellite TV combined.There is no monthly subscription fees unlike your Cable or Satellite TV.

        It is so easy that you actually don't need a satellite dish and receiver or any other device to use this awesome software which will give you 3500 TV channels from all over the world. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. Simply download the software and you are ready to enjoy over 3,500 channels worldwide.That too for lifetime unlimited!!! .

     You can watch TV right from your laptop or desktop computer anytime or anywhere in the world. Or connect your computer directly to your TV set.Don't know how?.That is also not a problem.They will show you how once you create your account!!!.
   Let me tell you some more awesome facts before stopping.
  • There is no bandwidth limits
  • There is no monthly subscription fee
  • Service available 24/7 for lifetime
  • It is now available for Mac™ systems too.
  • Easy 1,2,3 steps of installation.
  • Available for anywhere in the world.
So what are you waiting for?? Try it today itself.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Topline turned out to be a scam!!!

     Check out the update below the post before reading the whole article.Save your time.
           You might have read about mybrowsercash by now.If not,read it now.My browser cash pays for clicking on their pop ads while you do your regular browsing.And they pay you like crazy.You don't have to wait for others to click on your ads,you don't have to wait for the fraction of cents to become 0.1$.You can easily make more money than any other PTC program.
     Now,what if i will tell you you don't even have to click on anything and you just need to do your regular browsing and you will earn money for that??!!.That is how Topline works.Let me explain how this thing works.Once you create an account,you have to download a browser add-on for your regular browser.You will get the installation instructions from the website itself and it is very easy.Once it's installed visit any web page which has banner ads.And wait for a second or two,and just like magic topline will replace the banner ads of that page with their ads.

      If you click on the topline add-on icon on your browser,you can see the statistics of your earnings.You have options to disable the add-on if required.And you can even cash out directly by clicking on button in add-on menu.You can cash out through Paypal or through a check or through wire transfer.The earning rate may be less than  mybrowsercash. So if you are signing up don't forget to visit webpages with lots of ads on a regular basis.All the best.


Topline stopped services in so many countries and suspended everyone's accounts and didn't payed anybody in those countries.So Ultimately TopLine is a SCAM!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How to calculate Google Page Rank?

     From the day Google started the page ranking idea,people has been thinking how to increase their Google page rank.And people search daily that how to check their page's page rank.Paste your site's url in the below box and click 'Check PR' button.Don't forget to click the 'back' button of the article to continue reading this article after checking your page rank.
Check Page Rank of your Web site pages instantly:
This page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service
    Google updates their page ranks 4 times a year.That means your website data will be updated in Google data base in every quarter.So if you did lot of SEO work and the result of your hard work is not visible,then it is not your mistake.It is because Google didn't updated your page rank yet.

Increasing Google Page Ranking(Google PR)

    Just like Alexa, Google also checks the link connections between your website/blog and other websites.And you should get a lot of organic traffic.Then only you will be visible to google's eyes.So it is important to increase the quality link building from popular sites like yahoo and google to your blog/website.Just like i told before don't expect to see the results next morning.Google updates the Page Ranking quarterly.So they will update four times a year.Keep that in mind and work towards it.Check out my previous article on how to increase web-traffic to your site and other tips n tricks for beginners in blogging.

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