Friday, June 22, 2012

JSS Tripler/Just BeenPaid-Scam or For Real??

      If you reached this post through a search engine search, you might have been reading lots of money making plans in internet.Most of them offers most attractive payments and have screenshot or photos of money transfer as proofs.But at the end of the page there will be a small request.You have to pay a certain amount as a registration fee to join in that program.Their comes it.You realizes you wasted your last 5 minutes reading that webpage. Obviously neither you nor me will spend money first,before making some real money.

    Let me tell you about this program called 'JBP' or 'Just Been Paid' or JSS Tripler.This is also a money making program,but a money making program where you don't need a blog or website to sign up.Once you register by clicking on the banner above or below this post, 10$ will be credited to your account.Yes you heard it right,10$.But only for sign ups through referrals.So don't forget to register by clicking on the banner.Enter Nn5sZx7h4c when they asks for sponsor's Username/User-ID.

     First after registering you have to buy JSS-Tripler positions.Each one costs 10$.You can use the sign-up bonus amount of 10$ for this.And every day 2% of the value of the positions you bought(that is 0.20$ for 10$) will be deposited to your JBP account.And after 75 days you will have 150% of the amount you have invested to buy those positions.That means if you bought one position for 10$ you will have 15$ in your account after 75 days.You can withdraw that 15$ or buy more positions.

     You can use only the bonus amount of 10$ at first or if you want to make more money faster you can deposit some real money from your bank account(through and buy more positions. Remember the more positions you buy the more money you make.

          I have registered and i'm making some good money with it.There is nothing to lose to try it.First try it with the 10$ bonus you get.Invest more later,if you are satisfied.So if you ask me if it is a scam.I will say NO.It is for REAL.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Free Give Away-Download E-book How to make money blogging

We were thinking to start free giveaways on this blog.But the question was what we should give to our loyal readers and daily visitors..Then we found this e-book online(thanks to Moneysavingmom website).This is a valuable book full of valuable information about money making through a blog written by Crystal Paine.You can print and read this as a whole without having to be on your computer, or you want to save it to your e-reader to read later, you can download a free copy by clicking on How To Make Money Blogging ebook (38 pages, 1.1MB).
Lets us know if you liked the book.Once again we are thanking to MSM,the original source for the book.Subscribe or follow this blog to get notified about our future giveaways..

Monday, June 18, 2012

How to remove gradient from the blogger blog's tab bar ?

         After a short break,i was redesigning one of my blog which was hosted on when i selected a particular template i found out that some how the tab bar color is now having a white gradient across it.And i tried every options in the customize template section to remove it.None of them worked.
           Then i started google searching i found many pages which contained my keywords in google's different discuss forums.But when i click on those search results it goes to the home page of that forum.Its like google never knew what i was searching for.And none of the search forum's search bars works properly.Lets accept it,the search giant want to increase the traffic rate only to it's forum's home pages(for some unknown reason!!) and redirects you to it when you click on the search result link thinking you found the solution for your problem.

Friday, June 8, 2012 for Google adsense,or is it a scam?(Updated)

       I'm sure this post will be a relief for many..Especially those who got banned by google adsense.First let me tell you ..Don't panic..You have other better options.I have told in one of my previous article that what to do when you got the ban mail from Google adsense team. Now if you decide to move on from google adsense,I can suggest you some better options.One of them is on the link to see the details).
*Don't forget to read the article updates at the bottom.

CPM.Biz is the next best option i got for you.Infact you can easily use context web ads and ads together.Google adsense mainly shows only CPC ads from which you can earn money only when a user clicks on an ad unit.But shows both CPM and CPC ads.That means just by impressions you can earn money from just need a steady traffic.I have told in one of my early articles how to increase traffic to your site/blog.

In their own words,

              "Our mission is to provide quality services while not seeing our profits as the most important. We pride ourselves on fair treatment and friendly approach to both advertisers and publishers. 
Customer care does not end for us upon receiving the payment for our services."

       And what more, the minimum amount you should earn to receive the payment in is just 5$.You can recieve it through PayPal or direct wire-transfer to your bank.If you are earning daily 5 or more dollars you will get paid daily.


How to use Context web ads and together??

Now that if you are already a context web publisher and you have your ad units placed,you can add ads as your back up ads in contextweb.That way you won't loose a single opportunity to turn a page impression to revenue.Just place the ad code in the place of back up ad tag code in contextweb ad units.


Update(15-July-2012) : Saw some reports in some forums that is not paying anymore.Everything is fine with my account,i don't know about others.Only problem i'm facing is they are too slow delivering the cash.So i will suggest testing some ads for 2-3 weeks and only if it works for you,make the big transformation.
Update(26-July-2012) : I sent mail some days back to about the news that they are not paying money to it's publishers.There was no reply from them.So i decided to take off their ads from my blogs and sites.And i did that.So my suggestion is join at your own risk.

Update (14-Jan-2013): Some people still claims that they are getting paid by if you are ready to accept a lot of redirects and want try something more while focusing on some other ad network,try your luck here.I'm sure earn a lot of virtual money.But it completely depends on your luck if that money actually reaches your hand.So try your luck by clicking on the below banner.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

How to improve Alexa ranking quickly&easily??

        If you are a blogger or a website owner,you might have heard about Alexa ranking.If not,wel let me explain it to you then.Alexa ranking is a webpage ranking done by Alexa Internet, Inc.,which is a California-based subsidiary company of people says Alexa ranking depends a lot and it effects incoming traffic and income you earn from  advertisements(Whatever monetizing program you use).I'm not pretty sure about that.But i can tell you how to improve Alexa page rank of your webpage/blog.For that,first you should know what is your current page rank status.
       To know your current page rank click here,choose any widget and enter your site/blog url.If it is some 10 lakh some thousand some number,don't worry..You can improve it.That too without doing much work.

Image representing Alexa as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase
         First you should place that traffic rank button/widget in your blog/site probably above the fold.Next you should install a browser extension which will show the Alexa page rank of the current page you opened in the browser window.To install toolbar extension on Google Chrome go here .To install toolbar extension on Mozilla firefox go here.
        Studies have proved that once you do these things within 1 month your Alexa ranking will increase dramatically.!!!..One of my movie review site which had a ranking of 7,534,648 1 month back ranks now 2,954,691 now.And this blog, Ad-it had a ranking of 2,886,642.Now it got improved and when i'm writing this post it is 1,558,201.(Don't forget to check out the current ranking when you are reading this post.Check the left side bar to see the present ranking).I myself was surprised.
     If you think your Alexa-ranking can effect your traffic or earnings,this way you can improve it.Now that its a free and easy idea.Why don't you try it??..And let me know how your sites/blog's ranking increased...

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